“Ha, aye indeed. One is hard pressed to find non-druid business here in the Valley. Hell, those sheep out there? Druid business,” Roan joked as he swept his arm towards the flock out grazing. Drysi’s phone signaled a new text.
A Scottish gentleman? I didn’t think Keeper Graeme was on the Isle.
Whether the text was a joke or not was debatable. Drysi and Roan chatted for a short while following, meanwhile Finlay had hopped onto the ground and looked to be relaxing beside Cordy. The atmosphere was relaxing and disarming as a gentle breeze blew in off the Loch; a wind-chime sounding steadily. Before long, the sound of footsteps approaching could be heard, moments later Ruarc rounded the corner and waved to Roan and Drysi.
“Welcome welcome, Ruarc. How’d the meeting go?” Roan called as Ruarc entered the garden where he was greeted eagerly by the now alert Cordy.
“The usual,” Ruarc replied back plainly, the two Keepers sounding like buddies hanging out after work.
The usual for you is a tish
unusual for e’eryone else. Anythin’ juicy?” Roan’s foot pushed the other chair out as the Irishman got close. Ruarc didn’t respond immediately, instead taking a chance to pour himself a cup of tea.
“Fine fine, it was mostly unusual stuff for me as well, but that’s what make it usual, now isn’t it?” a light laugh softened Ruarc’s features in a way Drysi had only seen when her master was visiting with Mister Caxton. However, his face seemed to drop slightly as he sipped at the tea. “Questions about my after action report regarding the Lamplighter Incident, questions about steps I’ve taken to increase security at Safeholme, yada yada.”
He sat his tea down, and his eyes became downcast.
“And I’ve officially been replaced as Ireland’s Keeper.”
Roan sucked his teeth in disappointment before asking, “Caitria?”
“Caitria,” Ruarc’s confirmation came. He looked at Drysi and shifted to explain to the fledgling druid apprentice. “I technically was still the Keeper of Ireland since the time I was given the special assignment that took me to Japan. My jurisdiction was covered by another Irish Keeper, Caitria O’Neill, as Keeper ad Hoc.”
“The O’Neill’s ‘ave been chomping at the bit for the assignment for generations,” Roan said in an aside to Drysi.
“Between the establishment of Safeholme and inducting a new member to the Order, the
Ard Rhys took
pride in declaring Japan an official region under the Order’s umbrella; and I, Keeper Flynn, am the first official Keeper of Japan. So, of course, my previous seat needed filling.”
“Shite,” Roan says. “Want something stronger than tea?”
Ruarc raised his hand dismissively.