[The Keep] Walking to Skye

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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Straken »

“Ah hate t’ say it, but welcome t’ life aroun’ Keepers. We’re a woefully selfish lot, truth being told. We want t’ be the ones getting hit, earning scars wi’ cool stories, an’ memorials abou’ heroic deeds once we bite the dust. An’ at the end of the day, if our life can save even one more person; well, tha’s frostin’ on the cake. Ol’ Niall Flynn? He earned a lot of frostin’, if only we all could be so lucky,” Roan spoke candidly, running a hand across a scar on his jaw. “Your Master is the same way, despite his assertion to wanting t’ be a Sage. Ah can tell. All the struggles and trials he’s been through? He wears those scars wi’ pride, nae shame. He’s go’ his share o’ ghosts, o’ losses tha’ haunt him. Whae matter’s is the fact tha’ they have strengthened ‘im, nae weakened ‘im. Even ‘is school project, tha’s ‘im carryin’ hardships so others don’ ‘ave t’.“
Glacaim leis an ualach achrann ionas go mbeadh a fhios ag daoine eile an tsíocháin
“I accept the burden of strife so that others may know peace. It’s a part o’ the oath we Keepers swear, an’ ol’ Ruarc has taken it t’ heart. Iffen y’r still around but Flynn ain’t, then Ah’ve little doubt any sacrifice he makes was done gladly with no regrets.”

He sat his tea down to pour another cup.

Plus, iffen the showdown takes place here, then ya best bet y’r britches tha’ Ah’ll be right there beside Flynn. An’ between the two o’ us, we’ll be putting down the mongrel.”
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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Kokuten »

“You’re terribly encouraging,” grumbled Drysi, determined to be angry or sad, whichever suited her more at the moment. She wanted to be more angry, but there was some comfort in knowing the people here, in knowing what they were capable of. More than that, Roan was one of the few people here who didn’t look at her Master like he was anathema or a celebrity, “I can’ tell if it’s helping.”

”I’m not sure if that’s helpful feedback, Drysi!”

”I don’t want to feel better, Gideon!” growled Drysi internally, gritting her teeth, ”I want to sulk. I want to be a pissy little brat, and I want someone to put up with me.”

”Be considerate, Mr. Williamson has been very polite so far,” Gideon coiled around Drysi’s shoulders, as if he were trying to whisper the words to her, ”and don’t forget; you’re representing your Master, even to the people who know him better than you do.”

The acolyte’s sigh was cut short as she pursed her lips and puffed her cheeks. Gideon was always right at the worst of times.

“Sorry…” Drysi’s words creeped up from a belligerent position of shame, “In all of these futures, these possibilities, I feel a little… left behind. I want to look out for my Master the same way he’s looked out for me. If you’re there, I want to be there too.”

Her shoulder rose as her heart began to warm again against all the bitter anguish it had been holding up against before, “Every Keeper I’ve met will die one day, but I want my research to ensure it’s of old age; not some heroic last stand. Especially you, Mr. Willumson; you’re such good friends with my Master. It feels like he doesn’t have any here, and he’s got few reasons as is to come here to Carneath.”
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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Straken »

“Ha! See? Ah keep telling Flynn he an’ Ah are friends. He likes t’ joke back with Who are you an’ why do ya keep talkin’ to me? Such a kidder,” Roan looked idly at the meat still sitting on the edge of the table. Setting his teacup on the table, he turned square towards Drysi and rested his arm on the table, seeming to get a degree more serious. “Now, addressing the elephant in the room, while disregarding the actual elephant currently roaming up the valley, from what Ah’ve heard Miz Maelgwyn Ah have strong doubts ye are one t’ be left behind. Ah read the after-action report about Hawaii. You an’ y’r gaggle of greenhorns held y’r own against a nasty batch o’ cultists. Do Ah think Flynn coulda socked those Librarians on his own? Probably, the guy’s scrappy when all the money is down an’ the gloves are off. Do Ah also think he would’o been worse for wear? Oh yeah, he’d probably have added a couple notches to his face without you kids… ahem, without you mages havin’ ‘is back.”

Roan perked up a little bit, glancing over towards the sausage on the table, moving an extra chair near the table. Cordy had returned, snacking on his piece contentedly under the table by Drysi’s feet.

“An’ considering this wae all while ye were not but a humble apprentice. Now ya y’r in the big leagues. Ya got assets, and associates. Combining all tha’ with the grit ya demonstrated in Hawaii, yeah, Ah got strong doubts y’ll be getting left behind in anything.”

A hushed whistling noise could be heard growing louder by the moment. Suddenly a massive shadow swooped in from the side of the cottage, snagging the sausage, and blitzing off again with a gust of wind trailing it.

“Oi! Don’ be rude!” Roan shouted after the retreating shadow before turning to Drysi apologetically. “He’s a wee bit shy around new druids.”

The shadow swung around showing a view of its full form, and it was absolutely massive. Its arc brought it down to settle on the stone fence bordering the garden, finally giving Drysi a good look. A large white-tailed eagle perched on the fence as it inspected the newcomer. Once satisfied, the massive raptor flapped its wings once, producing another notable gust, and hopped onto the chair provided. With the sausage gripped in talons almost two inches long, the eagle lifted the meat to its sharp beak rather casually as it tore off a piece of the dried meat.

“Drysi, Gideon, this ‘ere is my familiar, Finlay. Finn, meet Drysi an’ her familiar Gideon. They are apprenticed under Ruarc Flynn,” Roan offered introductions, though at the mention of Flynn Finn immediately perked up and began to look around.
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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Kokuten »

”I’m just going to tuck away for a moment,” was all the warning Gideon gave Drysi before diving under her collar. The druid had little time to react to the raptor swooping by before she had to contend with the icy sensation of cold scales against her skin. Drysi shot up out of her chair, nearly launching from her recessed, guarded pose. She thankfully set down the tea cup before patting around her robes.

“You fookin’ git,” she snapped, clapping over herself, “he’s a familiar notta wild animal!”

As she continued to palm herself, as if looking for her keys, she have her own apologetically, “Sorry, Gid’s only a few weeks old, and he’s still a bit jompy.”

Roan’s words had been such a boost to her esteem, that she was feeling a little more than herself. Being given an equal footing along her master was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to live that pride he showed when they took their first steps here in the valley. She could never go back to who she was, that Drysi was gone, dead.

She was a druid, his apprentice, and she couldn’t resign herself to just be a student anymore, a bystander.

“Pleasure to meet you Finlay, I’m Drysi Llewella Maelgwyn of the 3rd Circle, apprentice of Ruarc Flynn. I’m here to pay my first visit to the Keep a–” she caught herself before going further, “and … Your druid is bein’ awful hospitable. To me and my familiar, Gideon, who is just gettin’ over his nerves.”

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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Straken »

Finlay barely seemed to acknowledge Drysi was there, or even speaking, for a few long moments as the eagle craned its neck looking around for other visitors. Once he admitted no one else was coming, the large familiar appeared to take on almost human-like mannerisms. Like a surly extra from the Looney Tunes the white-tailed eagle looked to cock an eye towards the triclops before leaning onto the table with one of his crooked wings. All of this before one of its taloned feet lifted the sausage up to his beak for an exaggerated bite.

“Y’know damned well Drysi can’t hear a word y’r sayin’, so can the pageantry,” Roan said bluntly to the bird as he bit a biscuit. The raptor craned his head to look at the older druid, a human mannerism thrown off by the sharp angle Finlay’s neck. One moment passed, then two, and then Finlay hung his head and turned back to Drysi; but addressed Gideon hiding somewhere in the girl’s mane.

“Y’know it’s a wee bit racist, hidin’ from me cause Ah’m a raptor. Now, pop on outta wherever ye are so ya can properly relay my message t’y’r Keeper,” came Finlay’s voice, sounding like a dulcet baritone.
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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Kokuten »

In keeping with the cartoonish routine, Drysi plunged a hand into her shirt and yanked out a snake, twisting and writhing. Gideon whipped and turned, momentarily stunned, before wrapping around Drysi’s arm. His druid pinched his head, giving him the evil eyes, of which she would insist were all three. They shared a quiet moment, before the snake gave up and huddled up in her arms.

“Forgive me, I am weeks old,” apologized Gideon finally, keeping his head tucked under himself so that only his eyes poked out, “and my instincts still get the better of me. My tutor is a snow owl, and that’s hard, sometimes.”

Realizing that he was only justifying his rudeness, he lifted his head, trying to ignore that Finlay was eating something meaty and snake-shaped. “I am Gideon Maelgwyn, this is my druid, Drysi Llewella Maelgwyn, please tell me your message.”
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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Straken »

“Ack! Tha’ ain’t an excuse laddie! Ah twas nary past hatchlin’ when Ah took a flying leap offa the top of the Keep! First death in just shy of a week, but Ah learned how t’ fly in record time. Point is, ya need t’ take whate’er it is y’r instincts are telling ya, an’ use it as motivation t’ do the opposite! ‘specially iffen ya an’ y’r druid intend on heeling beside a Keeper f’r y’r training,” in a similar bout of cartoonish pantomime, Finlay pointed towards Gideon with his primary feathers as he remained leaning on the tabletop. Once the accent ridden lecture had concluded, the eagle paused for a moment before his head tilted quizzically. “An’ wha’ message? I don’t ‘member havin’ a message for anyone.”

Finlay’s wing waved dismissively as he turned to continue eating his snack; clearly having forgotten what he was meaning to say. Roan meanwhile watched the eagle with a bland look that capped with a sigh as his familiar became evasive. Around that moment, Drysi’s pocket vibrated. A text from Flynn, simply asking:
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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Kokuten »

Gideon began to shrink again, realizing just the sort familiar he was dealing with. Even with inherent wisdom, there was no replacement for genuine experience. Until the subject was dropped, Gideon stewed in his thoughts, but without a need to entertain, he just nodded his head as if he understood.

His druid seemed satisfied, and addressed her phone. He could see the flicker in her eyes.

”Is Master Flynn calling for us?” he asked.

”I think he’s lookin’ for us,” was her answer, as she tersely and quickly replied.
Roan’s cottage.
A little smile spread on her face, feeling mischievous.
Being entertained by a handsome, Scottish gentleman.
Then she looked serious, shaking her head.
Definitely not shaking awful visions of the future. 🌩️🌩️🌩️🌩️
A smile grew again, decidedly nodding.
Happy thoughts! 💫
She looked up to realize her handsome, Scottish gentleman was still there.

“Druid business,” she deflected, trying not to seem rude, before settling back into her chair, “but I suppose all business around here is druid business.”
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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Straken »

“Ha, aye indeed. One is hard pressed to find non-druid business here in the Valley. Hell, those sheep out there? Druid business,” Roan joked as he swept his arm towards the flock out grazing. Drysi’s phone signaled a new text.
A Scottish gentleman? I didn’t think Keeper Graeme was on the Isle.
Whether the text was a joke or not was debatable. Drysi and Roan chatted for a short while following, meanwhile Finlay had hopped onto the ground and looked to be relaxing beside Cordy. The atmosphere was relaxing and disarming as a gentle breeze blew in off the Loch; a wind-chime sounding steadily. Before long, the sound of footsteps approaching could be heard, moments later Ruarc rounded the corner and waved to Roan and Drysi.

“Welcome welcome, Ruarc. How’d the meeting go?” Roan called as Ruarc entered the garden where he was greeted eagerly by the now alert Cordy.

“The usual,” Ruarc replied back plainly, the two Keepers sounding like buddies hanging out after work.

The usual for you is a tish unusual for e’eryone else. Anythin’ juicy?” Roan’s foot pushed the other chair out as the Irishman got close. Ruarc didn’t respond immediately, instead taking a chance to pour himself a cup of tea.

“Fine fine, it was mostly unusual stuff for me as well, but that’s what make it usual, now isn’t it?” a light laugh softened Ruarc’s features in a way Drysi had only seen when her master was visiting with Mister Caxton. However, his face seemed to drop slightly as he sipped at the tea. “Questions about my after action report regarding the Lamplighter Incident, questions about steps I’ve taken to increase security at Safeholme, yada yada.”

He sat his tea down, and his eyes became downcast.

“And I’ve officially been replaced as Ireland’s Keeper.”

Roan sucked his teeth in disappointment before asking, “Caitria?”

“Caitria,” Ruarc’s confirmation came. He looked at Drysi and shifted to explain to the fledgling druid apprentice. “I technically was still the Keeper of Ireland since the time I was given the special assignment that took me to Japan. My jurisdiction was covered by another Irish Keeper, Caitria O’Neill, as Keeper ad Hoc.”

“The O’Neill’s ‘ave been chomping at the bit for the assignment for generations,” Roan said in an aside to Drysi.

“Between the establishment of Safeholme and inducting a new member to the Order, the Ard Rhys took pride in declaring Japan an official region under the Order’s umbrella; and I, Keeper Flynn, am the first official Keeper of Japan. So, of course, my previous seat needed filling.”

“Shite,” Roan says. “Want something stronger than tea?”

Ruarc raised his hand dismissively.
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Re: [The Keep] Walking to Skye

Post by Kokuten »

“I’ll have somethin’ stronger than tea!” was the enthused chirp of Drysi as she joined the conversation.

”Drysi, you don’t even know what that suggests,” warned her familiar.

”I’m an adult.”

That assertion stood cold as Gideon found himself the proud owner of a headstrong druid, much as many familiars did. It was moments like these that he envied Ms. Laoise, having a druid that would listen in situations like these. Any more resistance would incite indignation, so he’d have relegate himself to moderating the decisions made.

Drysi, to her credit, didn’t leave the conversation to die on her chipper hope, and pressed her master.

“I didn’t know you were the Keeper of Ireland, much less bein’ made the Keeper of Japan,” she spoke gingerly, happy that Ruarc was there, a familiar tree in an continually unfamiliar forest, “Has anyone told Japan? Isn’ it a happy thing? All tha’ Menagerie live there; that’s where all our stuff is; the school.”

She swayed side to side, looking warmly content, “I’m really comin’ around to the place since I left Wales.”
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