Fall Arc: Resonance

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Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by Kai »

The UTR Kurokaze was a fine ship. One of the newer Iroquois-class scout craft, it had the abilities of a much larger ship, in a small, stealthy package. Because of its ability to rely on itself, and it's low detectability, the Iroquois-class was the ship of choice for the search and rescue missions the UTR ordered the Military on. And so, as a sort of last hurrah before the Kurokaze was assigned to a mothership- Rumor had it that the Kurokaze was going to be assigned to the entire fleet's newest flagship- She was sent on a solo mission, to scout out a derelict station in a secluded sector of space. Unlike most of the Terran colonies and worlds, which had gone quiet within a few days of one another, this one had remained in contact for nearly a year before going silent. Now, finally, the resources were available to be spared on checking it out for any kind of survivors.

Through the few viewports, and the wide-open, magnetically-contained hangar doors, the site of this station was at one awing and grim. Created from a cluster of asteroids that had been cobbled together in various ways, it resembled a colony of sea urchins, spikes, spines, and the like sticking out at odd angles from the rocky bodies. It was a feat of Human ingenuity, but also, a sad sight. There were no lights, and it was only visible due to its proximity to a life-giving sun. Structures on the surface showed that the hollowed out asteroids had been mined for decades, and the station's spaceport showed signs of heavy use, as well as the signs of neglect. Still, they had to dock with it in order to search it.

And so they did- after equalizing pressure between the ship and station, the first squad of marines of Swift company were sent to investigate. The first odd sign that the marines would notice was that, despite the fact that there were no lights on, there was still power being generated somewhere, and whenever they found a switch, it would usually turn on a light.


Hotaru Oonishi walked between the scouts and the rest of the squad, yawning a bit in boredom- this search wasn't nearly as exciting as she had hoped it would be. She waved around her Flamethrower, which had 'Mr. Fwooshy' lovingly sketched on the side of it, looking for some kind of target.
"Maaaaaaan, when are we gonna do something?" she piped through the comms, before deciding that her helmet was stuffy, and that the air in the station HAD read as breatheable, and summarily removing her jar, strapping it to her belt to keep it out of the way. She ruffled out her hair, and took a deep breath- followed by a cough, as the air was rather dusty and musty- before grinning and looking around. "This place is kinda neat though, the walls are all stone, and the whole damn thing is space-rock!"

Those who were up ahead would notice that they were coming up to another unlit section, though there was a switch just near the edge of the light's reach that they could use to turn the lights on. aside from that, they couldn't see much more than the well-worn floor of the wide hallway, and its rough-hewn rock walls.
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Re: Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by Kokuten »

A small voice cracked up from the side-speaker of rather seemingly small medic, it was almost a mutter, really. In reality, this mumbling marine was a decent five foot nine, but something about her made it seem like she was the smallest one there. The soldier was walking squat, taking it rather slow as the squad advanced, and seemingly casting an accosting glance through the polarized visor at Hotaru. Though, instead of talking outright and clearly she simply squatted there, hunched over a SUGR with a thick medical sack hanging off her hip.

"This place is dead." came a droning voice from the hunched Marine, seemingly paying a lot of attention to the amount space she had between herself and the others, "We'll probably find skeletons, hunched up in a corner for help that never came. Just like all the other worlds where everyone is already birdfood." There was a certain unhinged bitterness in her tone that was unmistakable, and she made it clear to the PFC flamer. "So. Yeah. Try not to choke and die."
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Re: Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by CadetNewb »

The mumbling marine's dour demeanor may have made her seem like the smallest one there, but if it wasn't that, then it was surely the blonde bombshell that nearly towered two feet over her.

"Aw, c'mon Sarah!" the buxom marine's necklace spoke in chipper tones. Being mute, she had to have something do the talking for her. Face set in a broad smile, Lolita Sartre went on to tease the shorter marine some more. "Don't be such a bitch and look on the bright side of things - if there's corpses and skeletons, there's gotta be epic loot." she simply pointed out, slapping the shorter marine on the back with good intentions. The heavy assault specialist let her heavy plasma machine gun hang from it's harness, a weapon usually crew serviced in a pillbox or mounted on a vehicle, before taking Hotaru's lead. As the helmet came off, Lolita's long, flaxen hair shimmered and waved as she ran an armored hand through it.

"Ouch! A hair snagged on my glove's plating."
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Re: Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by Kokuten »

A low snarl erupted from the side-speaker of Sarah's helmet, she had a hard time adjusting to the chipper attitudes of some of the other marines in the squad. Lolita's words seemed more like a punch as the crouching Medic twitched full-body, and gently increased the distance between the two of them. The Medic looked off to the side, saying nothing at the idea of looking on the bright side of things. What more, she couldn't seem to understand the fascination with removing the one thing protecting their craniums. With a dejected grumble, she looked up at Lolita, then at Hotaru, and then back down at the floor, watching the minor scrapes in the smooth floors go by.

"Yeah... and maybe you'll find a voicebox that actually works." growled Sarah as quietly and as softly as she could under her aggravated breath.
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Re: Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by Kai »

"It's not all the way dead, though. Just because our sensors didn't find any life signs didn't mean there aren't any. Not like they can penetrate the rock too far." The blue-haired Flamer pointed out, oblivious to Sarah's mutterings, and holding 'Mr Fwooshy' so the tip was pointed toward the ceiling while they waited for the scouts to secure the area up ahead.
"Besides. The power's on, maybe we'll find something fun here!" she added, sniggering as Lolita got her hair stuck in her glove.

"Pfft. That's why regs say you need shorter hair, goofball!" the ethnically Japanese woman jested.
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Re: Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by CadetNewb »

"Huh?" the blond's necklace asked. Though she never opened her mouth when 'speaking' she still had a quizzical look on her face nonetheless. She quickly reached up to her necklace's speaker and brought it up to her ear. "Testing, testing. La, la, la!~" Satisfied, she put it back to where it was. "I don't know about you, but my voicebox is working fine. Maybe you need your ears cleaned out? It's so ticklish when someone does that for you!" she asked Sarah. Lolita then reached to her helmet and fixed it on her belt upside down. "There. Now I can use it like a loot bucket!" she happily stated. Apparently, she was dead serious about the epic loot.

"Aww, but then the boys don't quite swoon after me!" the Germanic woman replied.
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Re: Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by Kokuten »

Sarah just grumbled again at Hotaru's finding this to be some kind of fun adventure. Even Lolita seemed insistent on the fact that this was some grand quest like in some stupid video game. What seemed to bother her more was Mr. Fwooshy, the name itself made her stomach turn a little. The brooding medic wondered if Hotaru liked looking like a grade-schooler in military duds. She gave a little inward life, a small smile curling behind her polarized visor as she imagined the flamer silenced after being scolded by an elementary teacher.
"... Maybe you need your ears cleaned out? It's so ticklish when someone does that for you!" she asked Sarah.
That stopped the woman in her tracks, giving an incredulous response.

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Re: Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by Gwathdraug »

Private John Wengrove slunk around his chatting squadmates, the man not really understaning where the girls conversation was going. God knew he was going to keep his helmet on - it was bad enougth that they had all ended up here on this eery station - walking around with his head out in the open, just begging to be crushed, or popped, or ripped to shreds, or just somthing by the nearest assailant would throw his nerves to the trash.

Oh, like your nerves aren't already in the trash, drawled out a voice in Wengrove's head. Thankfully enough the other voice, the one that had been trained by his Drill-Sergeant, jumped on the first voice and started verbally tearing it to shreads. And, once all that news started up in his head, Wengrove actually found it a lot easier to ignore.

It would help if we turned the lights on though, the marine thought, his two alter egos still duking it out in the background.

Flipping the light switch on and smiling to himself as the darkness around them lifted, John turned back towards his squadmates - and stopped. His smiled got a nervous tinge to it as he found that his squad had entered quite an awkward moment.

"Ah - could one of you bring me up to speed? If... if your conversastion is turning towards a... a tustle I'll just go and check up on the scouts see if they're... if we can start."
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Re: Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by CadetNewb »

"Oh, what's with the silly face?" Lolita laughed at the other marine. "And yes, I can see through your visor, it's on transparent mode right now!" she pointed out. As Lolita finished tying her hair back into an easier to manage ponytail, she hefted her usually crew serviced weapon again and got ready to lead the way alongside their flamethrower specialist. "I was under the impression you were hard of hearing Sarah, since you did say I needed a new voicebox. This one's working fine, so it's gotta be your ears." she pointed out without a hint of malice. "But I was being dead serious; I'll prove true to that offer when we get back if you'd like." the small voicebox on the necklace cheerfully chattered as Lolita saved a grin for herself.

"Ah, the lights are back on!" the heavy assault trooper noted. "Thanks for flickin the switch dear.~" she blissfully went on. However, when Wengrove spoke up however, the marine, towering over him easily, stopped dead in her tracks as her head turned smoothly over to look upon him like an autoturret.

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Re: Fall Arc: Resonance

Post by Kokuten »

If they could really see her face, the squad would see the shock in the Medic's eyes. The soldier put a hand on her visor, and tacked a button to polarize her vision, and then she unpolarized it for the full realization that she had indeed left her faceplate transparent. She yelped, eyes darting left and right to this breach in facial security, wondering who else may have been staring at her. Even if no fault had been on Lolita for her own absent-mindedness, she threw a spiteful glare at the tall gal, made even more evident as the lights came on. Though, her bored stare returned itself to her face as Wengrove mentioned this little thing leading to a 'tussle', which was the opposite of what she wanted to happen, especially during a mission.
"But I was being dead serious; I'll prove true to that offer when we get back if you'd like."
"Wh-... What!?." went Sarah, her face turning to shock again, with a small tinge of a glowing blush under eyes, before she spitefully hid her face under a polarized visor. She hunched over again, making herself small. "No... Th--... That's disgusting." hrmphed the Medic, "Cleaning out someone else's ears..." The slender Medic got herself up next to the wall as she went, grumbling quietly to herself, and tasking herself to refocus on the mission.
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