A drum beat out in the distance, and more smoke began to roll over the brush. Green, blue and yellow lights sparkled like stars between the leaves, highlighting little silhouettes. Over the sounds of grunts, coughing and howls came a song to the thumping beat being pounded louder and louder.
Willow could hear the song far away, but she could also hear it close. The Spriggan that had landed with them was singing it too. He stabbed himself with some vial filled with a green liquid, and heaved Pebbles carefully on his back. As Bjorn began jabbing anyone remotely sleepy with his knife, a new, fresh haze came in, tingling in Willow’s skin and making it hard to breathe.Fresh leaf and root tossed in the bowl,
Spread thin with care, prepare the coal.
Then, dry and press and cure and steep,
A mixture ground, to make you sleep.
Now, burn the wood, and fan the smoke,
And, breath it deeply, take your toke.
Green gas and air makes it begin,
To tickle lungs, and itch your skin.
The chorus came loudly over the rest of the noise, as it sounded like every spriggan in the forest was singing.
Leaf, leaf, watch it burn!
When you breathe there’s no return.
Leaf, leaf, make it smoke!
Take it in and soon you’ll croak.
Leaf, leaf, boil it down!
With our poison you will drown.
Leaf, leaf, heal the pain!
We will rise, again and again!