Tanaka Chinami - A student shugenja who summons spirits. Japanese. Hime-cut hair, a big forehead with small eyebrows and piercing eyes. Thin frame.
Sun Liu Wei - A monk who uses ki to enhance his body. Chinese. Bald with with somewhat cut features, he has a wide nose, and dark eyes. Built frame.
Eryk Kashevski - A hexer that relies a few practiced, memorized spells to assist in swordplay. Polish. Has brown hair, yellow eyes and face covered it cuts and claw marks. He tends to speak in low, raspy tones.
Dorothy Adderbin - An American witch with a soft-spoken voice, has excellent magical sensitivity and troubling insight into the world around her. From Maine. Red hair, pale and generally holds herself with poor posture that hides her true, towering height.
Arno Waltz - A German artificer who used to play for a football club back at one of his old schools.
Student Family & Friends
Bleddyn Maelgwyn - Drysi's grandmother, Eckert's mother, and a mysterious figure that, after being slain by Alexei Richter. She possessed Drysi and attempted to force the rite of inheritance on her, but was banished to a bottle by Johann Krieger.
Eckert Maelgwyn - Drysi's father and a son of one of the lesser branches of the Maelgwyn family, he owns a stationery store which is also a front as a magic items store.
Wynne Maelgwyn - Drysi's Mother and the odd paper witch which married into a family of Triclopsi. She is a simple woman, with a deceptive amount of patience.
Kagami Miyuki - Chief Financier, Head Alumnus, & Professor of Evocation.
Elizabeth Caxton - Percy's mother and powerful fire and lightning thaumaturge, she is a stern and very loving lady, but she can sometimes be a bit overbearing.
Alistair Caxton - Percy's Father and incredibly unassuming earth and ice evoker, those that knew him steer clear, and those that don't find him rather unimpressive next to his wife.
Supporting Cast
Alexei Richter - Druid & Wildcard with unclear intentions.