The Uranus-class Frigate is the newest Terran line warship. built to augment the Terran's aging fleet of mostly destroyer and corvette-class vessels. The Uranus is extremely heavily armed for its size, and provides the most firepower for any ship in its size class, bringing a new edge to Terran's fighting capability.
Faced with a fleet of aging, ineffective warships, and lacking the resources to make enough large warships to make a difference in the war, the UTR designed a ship that would take advantage of newer technologies to give it the battlefield capabilities of a much larger vessel.
Organizations Using This Vessel:Terran republic
Type: Frigate
Class: Uranus
Designer: Crimson Edge Space technologies
Manufacturer: Terran Republic
Production: unknown, 200 completed
Crew: 280
Pilots: 1 minimum, 4 maximum, 2 recommended.
Maximum Capacity: 1,000 can fit aboard in an emergency.
Length:790 meters
Width:350 meters
Height:200 meters
Decks: 18
Speed (STL): .30C
Speed (Warp): 425C
Range: 6 months
Lifespan:25 years
Refit Cycle: every 6 months
The armory is a large room containing every personal weapon on the ship. it also has a small set of replicators to make replacement parts for guns.
the bridge contains numerous work stations that control every function of the ship.
The middle decks contain a large item storage area for storing all the food and clothing needed to be used on the ship. The bottommost level contains raw material storage for the replicator's use. The hangar may double as cargo storage in an emergency.
There are enough dual-occupancy rooms in the ship to house the entire crew. officers get their own rooms.
there is a gym located on the middle deck of the ship it contains weight rooms, excercise machines, and small sports arena things for recreation.
the engineering section has a second set of controls for the ship, and has access into every system of the ship. it is located near the engines for ease of access.
there are maintenance conduits going through many corridors to important parts of the ship. The largest ones are called warp conduits and carry power lines to the engines from the main generators and any backup generators that are turned on.
The Medical center is top-of the line, on par with the Terra class's, except much smaller.
the walkways are bare looking, but in no way plain. the carpet is dark and consists of greens blues and blacks, and the walls are different colors on each level, to aid in telling them apart.
The Uranus class has Thick Duratanium plating, making it the third most heavily defended ship, behind the Jupiter and Terra.
The ship has an AI supported by an ASIAN unit as the ship's avatar. these units can either be set as the ship's commander or as an aide to the commander, and excel in both fields.
The Uranus-class contains enough escape pods to save the entire crew.
there is a life support system throughout the ship that constantly cleans and recycles air. it utilises a photosynthesis like process to clean the air and create sugars which may be used on foods.
The warp drive allows the ship to move many times the speed of light. during battle, the warp drive allows the ship to change it's direction of travel almost immediately by use of warp conduit output ports on every side of the ship.
The Main STL propulsion is provided by four
The ship is powered by a Rosenium power generator.
The Uranus uses a high-efficiency Plutanovicz Shielding system.
The Uranus' Shield system is extremely powerful and specialized, projecting a network of hexagonal shield sections, which rotate around the ship in a fairly random order, allowing damaged shield sections to be moved out of the way. These grid sections may additionally be turned off individually, allowing the ship to fire through the shield without having to completely turn it off.
Turbolaser Arrays (2): These weapons are anti-starship shield penetrating weapons. They can also be anti-shuttle or used as an active countermeasure against solid projectile ammunition. Range: 20,000 miles Damage: Heavy. Does heavy damage to anything touched by the beam. Damages both shields and armor Rate of fire: 2 shots every 5 seconds Payload: Unlimited, as long as the ship provides power Notes: only requires a small portion of the shield to deactivate to be fired.
Medium laser arrays (18 ): Midway between Pulse and Turbolasers, Medium laser arrays are potent multi-purpose weapons, which can be used for both defensive and offensive purposes range: 5,000 miles Damage: High Rate of fire: 5 pulses a second Payload: unlimited as long as the ship provides power
Pulse laser arrays(75): these weapons are the best defense against fighters, projectile weapons, boarding pods and shuttles available. they are placed all over the hull under panels, and come out when needed. range: 50 miles Damage: medium. can hurt both shields and armor, the pulse type shot can be calibrated to specific wavelengths to allow instant deactivation of fighter shields, like an EMP pulse. Rate of fire: between 10 and 35 pulses per second Payload: unlimited as long as the ship provides power Notes: only used on things inside the ships shields unless in an emergency.
Ionic Burst Cannons (2): The Ionic burst cannons fire a large-cone burst of shield and electronic scrambling ions, which are used to disable enemy ships, making them easier to be destroyed. Damage:Light Range: 1,000 miles Rate of Fire: 1 per ten seconds Notes: Acts as 'Heavy' when used against shields.
Mini-nova Cannons (4): Mini-Nova cannons are a large starship weapon based on the principles behind the Solaris cannon, but on a much smaller scale. While not really much more powerful than Turbolasers, Mini-nova Cannons have an odd piercing effect, and tend to poke holes through ships rather than blast chunks out of them. Damage:Heavy Range: 10,000 miles Rate of Fire: 1 shot every 2 minutes per cannon Payload: Unlimited so long as the ship provides power.