The Terra II class is a large cruiser, designed to kill ships and act as a command ship in battle
With it becoming painfully obviuos that the mars destroyers would not be enough to hold back the Drathonian storm, something bigger was needed, and it needed to be large enough to hold the new Solaris cannons, the largest guns designed by Terran engineers. After Drathonian tactics changed in response to the initial Terra class, It was realized that a different ship would be really needed. The Original Terra class had been an all-purpose ship, with a lot of space dedicated to troop carrying, and not enough dedicated to actual space combat. Emphasis was put on making the Terra II capable of engaging as many enemies at once as possible, instead of relying too heavily on the Solaris cannons, whose overwhelming advantage was defeated by simple change in tactics.
Bridge: Hidden inside the ship Body: Extremely heavy Engines: Extremely heavy Countermeasure/shield pods:Extremely heavy Shields:main- Extremely heavy Secondary- Heavy third- Medium
With the removal of most of the Marines based on the ship, A main armory was less of a necessity, and was replaced instead with several smaller armories spaced around the ship, on every deck. These armories are small and mostly contain small weaponry, such as handguns and submachine guns. On the Hangar deck, there is a larger armory, to centralize the weapons of the few marine squadrons left on the ship, as well as to help with staging of invasions on the hangar deck.
The Bridge is a large room, moved from its original position on the nose section of the ship to be a buried central command center within the structure. It contains 15 stations, Including the Command chair, the first officer's seat, communications, weapons control, and several other stations.
The middle decks contain a large item storage area for storing all the food and clothing needed to be used on the ship. The bottommost level contains raw material storage for the replicator's use. The hangar may double as cargo storage in an emergency.
The bunking of crew has been completely reorganized, shifting away from the large communal rooms for enlisted and the slightly smaller private rooms for officers. Efforts have been made to provide more comfort while consolidating the smaller numbers of standard crew. Higher-ranked officers retain their normal sized rooms, where as junior officers stay in shared rooms which hold two each. these rooms are stocked with everything the officers need, and are very comfortable. Enlisted are switched from staying in barracks to staying in bunk rooms, the same size as junior officer quarters, for people are put in each as opposed to two.
The layout of these rooms has been changed with the change in the number and height of decks, allowing them to be two-story affairs reached from a central door. Stairs lead up and down from these doors into quarters rooms, allowing for twice as many rooms to be on each deck. This is done at the cost of armor plating between decks in these areas, but placed deeply in the ship, it does not matter.
there is a gym located on the middle deck of the ship it contains weight rooms, excercise machines, and small sports arena things for recreation.
the main engineering section has a second set of controls for the ship, and has acess into every system of the ship. it is located near the engines for ease of access. There are smaller engineering sections based around the ship which consolidate tools and emergency equipment where it is most likely to be needed, to keep Engineers from having to lug heavy equipment all around the ship.
there are maintenence conduits going through many corridoers to important parts of the ship. The largest ones are called warp conduits and carry energy to the engines from the main generators and any backup generators that are turned on.
There are several medical centers and laboratories about the ship, placed near hazardous areas where people are likely to get hurt. There is a Main medical center placed on the deck above the Hangar, allowing for patients coming into the ship to have a place to go quickly. It is reached from the hangar deck by several lifts and elevators, as well as stairwells in case the first two are out of service. The Medical center is nearly as large as a hospital, and has the capacity to treat half the crew at any given time. The Hospital is two storeys tall, but only takes up a single deck.
the walkways are bare looking, but in no way plain. The carpet is dark and consists of greens blues and blacks, and the walls are different colors on each level, to aid in telling them apart.
The hangar deck has taken over the entire central bottom section of the ship, moving into the space formerly occupied by the medical center, as well as some barracks that had been moved. With the change in the amount of decks and the space between them, The Hangar deck was given special attention, as it would become a staging area for operations, as well as a place to store fighters, and even bring small support ships along, which, due to their much slower nature, would have been unable to arrive with the Terra under their own power at many battles.
The New Hangar system allows the Terra to carry up to 200,000 Scimitar fighters, but, with obviously nowhere near that many people on board, it only carries 5,000, 800 of which are reserve and do not have dedicated pilots, but are rather to allow a pilot to quickly switch out of a damaged ship during battle. The remainder of the space is left for allowing corvette-sized and smaller classes inside, the 400 foot tall, 750 foot wide bay doors allowing them access. These doors, on top of the normal magcon fields, also have armored sliding door sections, allowing the Terra to close itself up during transit, and to close itself up once its support ships have been launched, with smaller sub-doors allowing fighters and shuttles to continue to pass in and out.
In response to the much larger bay, more replicator systems were added, bumping the single replicator to a much more serviceable number of 15. The Boarding pod system was removed, the pods themselves dangerous and the mass drivers that launched them using power that was better utilized in more turbolazer batteries. Instead, boardings are to be done using specially designed heavy assault shuttles, of which the Terra II can hold 20.
The Brig is a small section placed near the outer section of one of the upper decks. It contains jail cells and is self-contained, meaning that, if necesary, it could be vented. It is the place where soldiers are sent after an infraction, as well as prisoners of war.
The hull has extremely havy plating, capable of shrugging off most solid weapons and many energy weapons. It has a multilayer shield generator in one of it's pylons and a communications/countermeasures pod on the other
The ship has an AI supported by an ASIAN unit as the ship's avatar. these units can either be set as the ship's commander or as an aide to the commander, and excell in both fields.
The ship contains enough escape pods for 300 people. fighters, shuttles and boarding pods may also be utilised to abandon ship. if there is enough time, more escape pods can be made in the hangar bay at a rate of one every 10
minutes per replicator.
there is a life support system throughout the ship that constantly cleans and recycles air. It utilises a photosynthesis like process to clean the air and create sugars which may be used on foods.
The warp drive allows the ship to move many times the speed of light. during battle, the warp drive allows the ship to change it's direction of travel almost immediately by use of warp conduit output ports on every side of the ship.
The Main STL propulsion is provided by a pair of absolutely monstrous Energon diffusion thrusters, which convert the energy from the Energon drives directly into an extremely powerful high-speed plasma. Ships traveling too close behind the Terra II can be damaged or even destroyed by the thruster wash.
The ship is powered by an Energon drive, the largest in exestence, capable of producing enough power in one minute to light up an entire planet full of lightbulbs for five years.
The Terra class battlecruiser has an extremely formiddable multi-layered Plutanovicz shield system, made to be superior to any system the drathonians have, barring the enormous one on DEMONIX.
The Terra's Shield system is extremely powerful and specialized, projecting three independednt layers, each layer made of a network of hexagonal shield sections, which rotate around the ship in a fairly random order, allowing damaged shield sections to be moved out of the way. These grid sections may additionally be turned off individually, allowing the ship to fire through the shield without having to completely turn it off.
Solaris cannons (2): The primary weapons are two side mounted Solaris cannons. A cannon more powerful than the Solaris is under development, but will not be available for some time. Primary Purpose: Anti-Warship Range: 93,000,000 Miles ( 1 Astronomical Unit ) Damage: Extremely Heavy. Destroys almost everything in its path. Vessels just outside of this radius may be destroyed or damaged by the leakage of the beam. Rate of Fire:The Solaris cannons must be charged before firing. this charging process takes approximately fifteen minutes per cannon. Payload: Effectively Unlimited. Will function so long as the ship provides power Notes: Shields must be down for this cannon to fire.
Medium laser arrays (180 ): Midway between Pulse and Turbolasers, Medium laser arrays are potent multi-purpose weapons, which can be used for both defensive and offensive purposes range: 5,000 miles Damage: High Rate of fire: 5 pulses a second Payload: unlimited as long as the ship provides power
Turbolaser Arrays (12): These weapons are quad-barreled anti-starship shield penetrating weapons. They can also be anti-shuttle or used as an active countermeasure against solid projectile ammunitions. These cannons are a vast improvement over the old versions, with increased range and fire output due to the re-routing of power from the Solaris cannons and the old hangar-mounted mass drivers. Range: 20,000 miles Damage: Heavy. Does heavy damage to anything touched by the beam. Damages both shields and armor Rate of fire: 2 shots every 5 seconds Payload: Unlimited, as long as the ship provides power Notes: only requires a small portion of the shield to deactivate to be fired.
Neck-mounted Torpedo tubes (4): These tubes are forward-facing fixed tubes which fire self-correcting heavy anti-ship torpedos. They can also be used for orbital bombardment. Range: 1 AU Damage: Heavy. Payload: 12 per tube Notes: there are Several kinds of Torpedos, depending on the desired effect. One is your standard Nuclear warhead, another an antimatter warhead, a third an EMP torpedo, and a fourth flechette-type torpedo meant for anti-fighter/shuttle/support ship duties.
Pulse laser arrays(400): these weapons are the best defense against fighters, projectile weapons, boarding pods and shuttles available. they are placed all over the hull under panels, and come out when needed. range: 50 miles Damage: medium. can hurt both shields and armor, the pulse type shot can be calibrated to specific wavelengths to allow instant deactivation of fighter shields, like an EMP pulse. Rate of fire: between 10 and 35 pulses per second Payload: unlimited as long as the ship provides power Notes: only used on things inside the ships shields unless in an emergency.
350 Squadrons (4200) Scimtars, + 800 backup 20 Squadrons (240) Shamshir 10 Hex Corvettes 10 Glaive Corvettes 5 UC-77 Cherry-pickers