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1. About the Ship

The Raptor class was designed as a mid-sized fast attack craft, made to be deadly both alone and in a group. It is well defended, fast, and carries quite a bit of punch, but is only the equal of its Terran counterpart, if that.

2. History and Background

At the time of its design, the Raptor outclassed Terran vessels of its size easily, and was quite an impressive vessel. With the rate at which Terran technology changes, however, it was soon left in the dust by refits of older Terran vessels, and became practically useless compared to newer ships. Utilizing Terran technology (at the time Terrans were still allied with the Drathonians), the raptor class was brought up to par, but, once the Great betrayal occurred, Terran enhancements ceased altogether for the class. Now trailing behind in technology, it remains useful by merit of its brute force.

3. Statistics and Performance

  • Organizations Using This Vessel: Drathonian Navy
  • Type: Destroyer
  • Class: Raptor
  • Designer: Unknown
  • Manufacturer: Dracharia Letima
  • Production: estimated at 50,000
  • Crew: 250
  • Pilots: at least 5 at all times
  • Maximum Capacity: 700 can be shoved aboard if needed.


  • Length: 472 meters
  • Width: 91 meters
  • Height: 91 meters
  • Decks: 20


  • Speed (STL): .25c
  • Speed (Warp):23,000c * Speed (Fold): 220 ly/min
  • Range: 6 month range due to fuel constraints.
  • Lifespan: 50+ years
  • Refit Cycle: whenever possible

4. Roleplay Stats and Cost

Sections and Armor Rating

  • Hull: medium
  • Bridge: Medium
  • Engines: medium
  • Shields: medium

5. Inside the Ship

Compartment Layouts


There are two armories on each level, one fore and one aft


The bridge is a large room full of computers and chairs, all made for Drathonians, but capable of being utilized by humans.

Captain's Suite

The captain's suite is a large circular room, just aft of the bridge. Often full of exercise gear.

Cargo Storage Areas

The middle 4 levels are dedicated to cargo storage, and store all the supplies necessary to run the ship for as long as fuel holds out, but no longer.

Crew Quarters

Large rooms lined with shallow pits in which the Drathonians can curl up and sleep.

Crew Recreation

the upper level contains recreation areas, mainly shooting ranges and open spaces for sparring.


Several levels contain engineering rooms, which can also control many functions of the ship. they have access to vital ship systems, as well as storage for necessary tools.

Maintenance Conduits

Fairly large, as necessitated by the Drathonian Physiology, the Maintenance conduits snake their way through and between every level of the ship, providing access to many parts of the ship.

Medical Center and Laboratory

Some newer model raptor destroyers have a rudimentary medical bay, that is little more than a storage closet for surgical tools.


The passageways are 10x 20 foot square tunnels placed through each floor in a grid work that accesses all the rooms in the ship.

6. Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The hull is generally made up of thick layers of Depleted uranium, mixed with alternating layers of steel, lead, and titanium.

Computers and Electronics

The Raptor has a large solid state computer system, made up of a network of CPU's placed throughout the ship, one in each engineering section, each armory, and the main core in the bridge. These cores are networked and provide relatively good processing.

Emergency Systems

Rudimentary sprinkler systems are on every deck to suppress fires. Each deck can be isolated from one another in the case of a hull breach.

Life Support Systems

There are air scrubbers in all the vents which purify the air for six months then must be replaced.


The Raptor is propelled by a mix of Ion engines and 'Fusion Drive' engines, giving it a rather high top speed for its size class.

It also has a Warp drive, one which is adequate, and gives the ship a rather high warp speed for a Drathonian ship.

Shield Systems

The Drake carries a shield system similar to a Plutanovicz system, but differs in that it puts more stake into stopping Projectiles than energy weapons. The Shield generator is buried within the center of the ship, and produces shields via an array of projectors on the hull.

Weapons Systems

Main Weapons

The main weapons of the raptor are a pair of Particle accelerator cannons mounted on either side of the ship. These weapons provide damage in several ways, first, by creating a large amount of heat energy that can deplete shielding as well as do major damage to armor, and then by the physical kinetic impact of the charged, hyper accelerated particles.

Raptor class ships often sport a wide, varying array of smaller defensive guns, between 25 and 50 per ship.

7. Vehicle Complement

The Raptor class can either hold within its single hangar bay 4 shuttles, or 5 scourge fighters.

bhotr/starship/raptor_class_destroyer.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/07 11:24 by