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Pluto-Class Missile-Boat

1. About the Ship

Designed around 130 years ago, the Pluto-class was the first ship to have effective energy shielding. It was used at the end of the Rim-world rebellions to help seek out and crush the last vestiges of the rebels. Now it is being called back into duty to replace the Terran forces lost in the Battle of Terra IV.

2. History and Background

An inventor named Istvan Plutanovicz created the first Practical energy shielding, capable of blocking both energy and solid weaponry. Tho use his design, a new class of ship was made specifically to carry and utilize the system to it's fullest extent.

3. Statistics and Performance

Organizations Using This Vessel:Terran republic
Type: Missile-boat
Class: Pluto-class
Designer:Istvan plutanovicz, OUTO
Production:4,000, 750 extant
Crew: 250
Pilots: 3 minimum, 8 maximum, 5 recommended
Maximum Capacity:400 people can smash aboard in an emergency


Length: 304 meters
Width: 160 meters
Height: 220 meters
Decks: 5


Speed (STL): .14 C
Speed (Warp): 22,000 c
Speed (Fold): 75 LY/M
Range: 6 months at top speed
Lifespan:supposedly ten years, but 750 have been in continuous service for nearly 130 years
Refit Cycle: every 4 months

4. Roleplay Stats and Cost

Sections and Armor Rating

Bridge-Hidden inside
Missile pods-Medium
Shields- Medium

5. Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

five fairly standard decks, the top two containing bunks, the bottommost containing storage, and the middle two containing the bridge and engineering, plus access to the weapons

Compartment Layouts

crew compartments are normal bunk rooms, built for two people each.


The armory is on the top deck, near the airlock.


The bridge is a cramped room heaped with equipment and work stations.

Captain's Suite

Near the bridge is the captain's suite, a 15' by 25' room that is very luxurious.

Cargo Storage Areas

The bottom level is a huge cargo storage area

Crew Recreation

Each of the two bunk levels have weight rooms and a mini firing range


There are numerous engineering rooms throughout the ship, most on the two weapons levels

Maintenance Conduits

These snake their way through every part of the ship. a very small person is needed to get through them.

Medical Center and Laboratory

Also near the airlock, the medical center is small, but well-stocked and capable of any surgery any other terran ship is capable of.


5' wide by 15' tall.

6. Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The armor is made of a titanium alloy

Computers and Electronics

These ships have been upgraded and retrofitted throughout their lives and have varios computer systems, all up to code with Terran standards, however.

Emergency Systems

Corridors are capable of being sealed for hull breaches, and to isolate intruders and poison them.

Life Support Systems

these ships have been retrofitted with various life support systems, all up to terran standards


Most run on antiquated Ion drives, that are however efficient, if slow.

Small warp drives have been added to these, giving them a mean average of 25 LY/min warp speed. some are faster, some are slower.

Power supply

Power supply varies, but can include Fusion, antimatter, Rosenium, and sometimes more exotic fuels.

Shield Systems

They use Plutanovicz Shield systems, a basic system capable of blocking both Beam and projectile weaponry.

Weapons Systems

Each Pluto class has 60 missile/torpedo/countermeasure tubes, plus an Ion-cannon turret for defense against fighters.

Main Weapons

60 Missile tubes

bhotr/starship/pluto_class_missile_boat.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/07 11:24 by