The Neptune-class is, with the exception of the Terra-class, the heart of the fleet. Each vessel serves as a fighter carrier, although they can alternately be designed to contain a miniature spaceport, capable of housing numerous small vessels. The Neptunes carry the bulk of the fleets assault fighters.
With the release of the Scimitar series, the Terran Navy needed a support vessel that could house enough of them to serve an entire fleet. The Terra-class holds large hangars given its size, however, they needed a smaller, more easily produced vessel. The Neptune-class quickly proved to be produced faster than they could be filled, and thus were quickly put out of production to make room for more destroyers.
Fore - Medium
Aft - Heavy
Bridges - Heavy
Bay Doors - Medium
3 small armories span the ship: one in the fore section, one on either end of the hangars.
The main bridge is located in the fore section, and is the size of an entire deck, with observation windows spanning 240 degrees of it. The secondary bridge is also the command center for all hangar activity, and is thus proportionally larger.
The cramped living quarters of the crew allow for only a family-sized suite for the captain.
Three entire decks in the aft section are dedicated to cargo bays, and ships can dock directly into them.
Pilot quarters ring the hangars in the aft section. The fore end of the ship is mostly dominated by the quarters of the rest of the ship.
Recreation hall located towards the middle rear of the fore section.
Secondary engineering sections exist alongside the primary engines. Manual controls for the ship exist here.
There are maintenence conduits going through many corridors to important parts of the ship. the largest ones are called warp conduits and carry enrgy to the engines from the main generators and any backup generators that are turned on.
A medical center that rivals that of the Terra-class exists on an entire hangar level. Emergency medivac ships, troop transports, and other vessels can dock directly onto the facilities for quick treatment.
The walkways are bare looking, but in no way plain. the carpet is dark and consists of greens blues and blacks, and the walls are different colors on each level, to aid in telling them apart.
The massive hangar makes up the majority of the aft section of the ship. Large in all proportions, it is cylindrical in shape with a massive bay door on the top and bottom, allowing easy access for the many ships which need to swarm in and out. Each ship dedicated to duty on the carrier has its own docking port, complete with custom refitting, launching, and loading systems.
The mammoth size of the ship does not allow for massive amounts of plating, as it already is fairly sluggish. Despite this, the Neptune is just a short margin behind the Mars in armor. Considering the fact that the Neptunes are defended by several support ships, they are still more survivable than the Mars.
The ship has an AI supported by an ASIAN unit as the ship's avatar. these units can either be set as the ship's commander or as an aide to the commander, and excel in both fields.
The Neptune-class contains enough vessels to save the entire crew.
There is a life support system throughout the ship that constantly cleans and recycles air. it utilities a photosynthesis like process to clean the air and create sugars which may be used on foods.
The warp drive allows the ship to move many times the speed of light. During battle, the warp drive allows the ship to change it's direction of travel surprisingly fast given its size, by use of warp conduit output ports flanking the ends of the aft section.
The ship is powered by an Rosenium power generator
Neptunes use a high-efficiency Plutanovicz Shielding system.
Pulse laser arrays(20): these weapons are the best defense against fighters, projectile weapons, boarding pods and shuttles available. they are placed all over the hull under panels, and come out when needed. range: 50 miles Damage: medium. can hurt both shields and armor, the pulse type shot can be calibrated to specific wavelengths to allow instant deactivation of fighter shields, like an EMP pulse. Rate of fire: between 10 and 35 pulses per second Payload: unlimited as long as the ship provides power Notes: only used on things inside the ships shields unless in an emergency.
up to 900
Names of the Neptune carriers: [ Note: planet names are generally reserved for ship classes, which are derived from the name of the first vessel released of its class. Given the girth of the Neptune-class, all of the proceeding ships were named after stars. ] 1. Neptune 2. Sirius 3. Arcturus 4. Kentaurus 5. Vega 6. Rigel 7. Procyon 8. Achernar 9. Aldebaran 10. Antares 11. Polaris 12. Alcor 13. Tureis 14. Asterion 15. Castor 16. Algol