The Iroquois is a scout carrier, a small ship with relatively powerful defenses, and the capability to carry fighters, which it can use to defend itself, and even extend the range of its sensors temporarily. As a Cruiser-type craft, it has the capability to enter Hyperspace.
There was noted a need for small, fast ships lugging heavy sensor capability. since this ship would be doing solo missions, it needed to be fairly heavily armed, and capable of defending itself. the most effective method was starfighters. Thus, the scout carrier was born.
Organizations Using This Vessel: UTR
Type: Scout Carrier/Space Cruiser
Class: Iroquois
Designer: First Nations Technologies
Manufacturer: ARWW, First Nations shipyards
Production: 200
Crew: 25
Pilots: 2
Maximum Capacity: 400 in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.
Length: 110 Meters
Width: 80 meters
Height: 60 meters
Decks: 3
Speed (STL): .22c
Speed (Warp): 200c
Speed (Hyperspace): 12,000c
Range: 6 months
Lifespan: 15 years
Refit Cycle: every six months
Hull: Light
Engines: Medium
Deflectors: light
Shields: medium-heavy
The forward section is two decks tall, most of it is taken up by the cavernous fighter bay, which spans two decks. The nose of the craft contains a large amount of sensor equipment. In the rear section, it is three decks tall, the upper deck being the bridge and command and control center, the middle deck containing living quarters, and the lowest containing storage.
The bridge is hidden underneath the hull, and contains all the stations necessary to the control of the ship and its fighters, and sensors.
The captain has a 5m by 5m room with a large bed, a desk/office, and a viewscreen, as well as a small private bathroom.
The lower deck in the rear half of the ship is a huge cargo area.
Enlisted crew share 3m by 3m rooms, while junior officers and officers get single 3m by 3m rooms The crew shares several public restrooms placed throughout the crew deck.
The mess is a fairly large room in the center of the middle deck. it contains kitchens to prepare food, and serving areas, as well as bench tables to sit the entire crew. it is also used as a lounge, as it has viewscreens on all the walls.
The engine section is snaked by access tunnels and small rooms with gear for keeping the systems working.
There is a small medical center on the lower deck.
passageways are 1m wide, 3m tall passages, between the rooms, leading to all the important parts of the ship. Decks are reached by stairways, the hatches to which can be sealed and are airtight. Passageways are bisected by bulkheads at several points, which can be closed to contain hole breeches.
The hangar bay is the largest single chamber on the ship, a 70 by 50 meter room, which is 40 meters tall it contains the ship's fighter compliment, cranes in the ceiling to move stuff around, and a small set of replicators to build spare parts.
The Hull is made from Titanium, with a thin plating of Duratanium, which in turn is covered in Titanium Dioxide, to provide sensor stealth and light laser deflection.
The Iroquois has a surprisingly powerful computer system for such a small ship, made specifically to process the huge amount of sensor data brought in by the ship. This Computer system includes a ship-wide wireless network, and is capable of full support of an ASIAN unit.
Every room, and many sections of passageway are capable of being sealed to counter hull breaches. Every compartment and passageway has a fire suppression system. there are enough escape pods for the entire crew to escape.
The entire ship has an air scrubber system, which keeps the air clean for up to seven months, before the scrubbers must be replaced.
The ship uses a compact Warp-drive for Intra-system travel, and has a Hyperspace drive to allow it to enter Hyperspace. STL propulsion is done with High-efficiency Ion thrusters, allowing the ship to function even under reduced power output.
Extremely large Deflectors project a surprisingly powerful Plutanovics shield system, with a honeycomb shield pattern. the shield bubble itself is rotated constantly, bringing reduced power portions out of the line of fire.
The ECM (Electronic Counter Measure) suite is capable of scrambling enemy sensors, as well as giving out 'false readings' as to confuse enemy fighters. The complex array can 'confuse' enemy craft by creating white noise to cover up the actual sensor ping that the enemy sends out, and then simulate a weak sensor return ping with it's own signals. The effects of the suite may range from a completely fuzzy tactical scan screen, to over one hundred individual simulated contacts, and may be varied at will. It can easily follow enemy sensors to the source, make a small object appear larger on sensors than it actually is (but not the inverse), as well as absorbing an enemy sensor ping. After absorbing a sensor ping, the suite may also 'return' the ping after a longer time than normal, creating the illusion that the Iroquois class ship or friendly unit is farther away than it actually is.
8x Ion Cannons. Mostly defensive, Ion cannons are made to disable enemy ships, allowing them to either be taken out by a ship with more powerful weapons, or giving the ship time to escape. Damage: Light Effect: Disables Shields and systems
2x Mini-torpedo launchers. These launchers, on either side of the ship, each hold four mini, self-guided torpedoes, which are specialized to find holes in shields to increase chances of impacting a hull.
the Hangar bay can hold up to four shuttles. it uses holds only one.
The Hangar bay can hold up to 12 Scimitar starfighters, but normally carries only six.