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Hunter-Killer Point Defense "Hex" Class Corvette

1. About the Ship

As it's name suggests, the ship is designed to literally hunt and kill fighter craft who enters it's assigned patrol area or those that too close to it's ward. The ship's defenses are durable enough to withstand enemy Point Defense Weapons, as well as anything a conventional fighter-craft can throw at it. Powerful engines allow the ship to keep pace with friendly and hostile fighter craft, while special oversized maneuvering thrusters enable the corvette to keep on target and dodge incoming fire. It is armed with two Rail Guns designed to snipe enemy fighters from a distance or even batter other corvettes, as well as sixteen Vulcan Rotary Cannons.

2. History and Background

With the possibility of an enemy fighter carrying a nuclear payload increasing, and the constant threat posed by other Corvette Class vessels, the Brass decided not to take any chances, and developed a brand new Corvette to further bolster defenses, and intercept enemy fighters farther out. The H-K falls into the category of Corvette, which has existed since the dawn of Naval warfare, and fills in the Terran Republic's gap concerning AA. Besides firing directed streams of rotary cannon fire, it was decided that the ship should be able to fend off other Corvette class ships; hence, the two Rail Guns.

3. Statistics and Performance

  • Organizations Using This Vessel: The United Terran Republic
  • Type: 'Hex' Hunter Killer
  • Class: Corvette
  • Designer: Octavius Rex
  • Manufacturer: Terra V Naval Industries (T5NI)
  • Production: 250
  • Crew: 16 Total (Including Pilots)
  • Pilots: 3 Optimal
  • Maximum Capacity: 32


  • Length: 42 meters
  • Width: 10 meters
  • Height: 10 meters
  • Decks: 2
  • Weight: 4.2 Kilotons


  • Speed (STL): 0.264C
  • Speed (Warp): 59400C
  • Range: 9.6 Weeks
  • Lifespan: 20 Years
  • Refit Cycle: 16 Months

4. Roleplay Stats and Cost

Sections and Armor Rating

  • Bridge: Medium
  • Hull: Moderate/High
  • Engines: Moderate/High
  • Weapons: High
  • Shields: Moderate
  • Bridge Personal Shield: Low/Moderate

5. Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

There are two decks aboard the ship, with each having access to the engineering room, or bridge.

Compartment Layouts

The two main compartments both have access to the ship's replicator located directly above/below the rail guns. In turn, the replicator appears to be either on the ceiling or floor, depending on which of the two decks. The engineering room lies off to the rear of the ship, with the bridge in the front. In order to reach the bridge, a person must go through crew quarters, with the upper deck of the quarters being the female crew quarters, and the lower being the males'. The captain has his or her own room that branches 'downward' from the bridge, and is small. In order to reach engineering, a person must first go through the cargo/storage area, which houses the replicator supplies.


The ship does not have armories, however, there are survival kit lockers interspersed at key points within the ship which includes ready to enter EVA gear, weaponry, ammunition, medical supplies and liquid food.


The bridge has an excellent view of whatever happens through the multiple view ports that dominate the small cabin.

Captain's Suite

The Captain's Suit is a small spartan room with a bed, writing table, and reinforced/armored locker.

Cargo Storage Areas

Small, and often overcrowded with goods, the storage area is right before the engineering section of the ship.

Crew Quarters/Mess Hall/Recreation Area

Spartan bunks and a single tall locker are provided for each crew member. More roomy than other rooms. This area triples as recreation area when all the bunks are folded up and pushed off to the sides, and as mess hall.


Though small, the engineering compartment is surprisingly well thought out, allowing easy access to most of the associated machinery.

Maintenance Conduits

None. The ship is simple, and open, with much of the machinery and equipment easily accessible for repair.

Medical Center and Laboratory

A pair of large, walk in cabinets for each level in the crew quarters. Contains all the more 'serious' medical gear aboard the ship.

6. Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

Light armor plating that can be found on most fighter craft. Double Layer and Refraction Coat Laminated.

Computers and Electronics

Powerful tactical sensors and enhanced targeting systems capable of tracking enemy fighters in real time. Virtual Interface, and ASIAN comparable.

Emergency Systems

Basic fire suppression. All crew is to wear vacuum suits during combat. EVA suits are located throughout the ship at work areas; propulsion included.

Life Support Systems

Basic, reliable, old school air scrubbers located throughout the ship.


The main engines of the ship are nothing special; the main point of interest would be the special oversized maneuvering thrusters. Since the rail guns of the ship can only fire forward in a 180 degree arc, these would rapidly reorient the ship enabling the guns to do their work. Besides that, they can literally blow the ship onto a new course as an evasive maneuver.

Shield Systems

Plutanovicz shielding system. The bridge has it's own generator, though weaker than the main unit.

Weapons Systems

Point Defense Weapons

35mm Vulcan Point Defense Weapon (16): These six barreled rotary cannons fire hyper-velocity armor piercing high explosive shells at enemy fighters with dead accuracy due to the enhanced targeting systems they are linked up to. They spit out at least thirty rounds a second, and can even adjust their cone of fire to shoot down missiles or improve the likelihood of striking a particularly difficult to hit foe. Upon the chance of targeting system failure, crew members can man the Vulcan Guns, with a single station able to control multiple turrets at once, focusing their firepower on one target. Ammunition is fed directly from the ship's replicator.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft PDW Range: 150 Kilometers (Vacuum) Damage: Medium-Low. The projectiles must exhaust enemy shielding first. Will explode on contact against shielding after expending kinetic energy. Rate of Fire: 30-50 rounds a second, maximum RoF can only be held for two seconds mainly as anti-missile measure. Ammunition: 30,000 rounds ready. Infinite so long as replicators have material and power.

Main Weapons

66mm Rail Guns (2): A pair of powerful, and exceedingly accurate rail guns are available for use. One on top, and another on the bottom. They are only capable off moving left and right within a 180 degree arch, and up to 69 degrees upward. It fires a depleted uranium projectile, smashing through almost anything in it's way; very, very, very fast. The turret is mostly restricted in movement due to heavy armor.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft Sniping, Anti-Corvette Range: 200 Kilometers (Vacuum) Damage: Extremely Heavy (Vs. Fighter Craft) Medium-Heavy (Corvettes) Rate of Fire: 1 round every eight seconds. Ammunition: 66 rounds ready. Infinite so long as replicators have material and power. Non-direct feed; must be manually reloaded after 10 shots.

bhotr/starship/hex_class_corvette.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/07 11:24 by