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The Glaive Class Corvette

1. About the Ship

The Glaive class heavy corvette was designed to fill in the combat gap left by the much smaller fighter vessels, as well as giving support to the Mars class. The Glaive has the durability to survive AA fire, while at the same time being too small and agile to hit with heavier anti-warship cannons. The greatest threats to the corvette type are torpedos and heavy fighter vessels. However, torpedos generally target the larger vessels, and heavy fighters find their match in the dual pulse laser arrays on the ship. This makes the Glaive a formidable predator, since it is difficult to combat and heavily armed. It is a thoroughbred warship killer.

2. History and Background

The corvette type has existed throughout the entire history of naval warfare. It carries the traits of agility and speed. However, a heavily armed corvette can be very formidable. Despite its size, these vessels can inflict impressive damage on their larger cousins. Today, it is often either a light scouting vessel or an agile combat ship. The Glaive class is an advanced combat vessel developed to fill in the current combat gap left by the light vessel types. The Glaive is a strong support ship, using it's Wave Dispersal Array and MAC Guns to soften up vulnerable ship segments for larger fleet ships - i.e. Mars destroyers - to bombard.

3. Statistics and Performance

  • Organizations Using This Vessel: The United Terran Republic
  • Type: Corvette
  • Class: Glaive
  • Designer: Herman Mendley
  • Manufacturer: Terra V Naval Industries (T5NI)
  • Production: 400
  • Crew: 12
  • Pilots: min. 1, max. 4, recommended: 3
  • Maximum Capacity: 30 people in an emergency.


  • Length: 47 meters
  • Width: 18 meters wing tip-to-wing tip
  • Height: 9 meters from the base of the hull to the base of the MAC turrets
  • Decks: 2
  • Weight: 5 kilotons


  • Speed (STL): .26c
  • Speed (Warp): 62,700c
  • Speed (fold): N/A (must be towed)
  • Range: 10 weeks
  • Lifespan: 15 years
  • Refit Cycle: Being a high risk ship, it needs repairs after almost every battle. Can go 1 year outside of combat.

4. Roleplay Stats and Cost

Sections and Armor Rating

Bridge-Medium Hull-High Engines-Moderate/Heavy Weapons-High Shields-Moderate

5. Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

See illustration

Compartment Layouts

See illustration


There is no armory on the ship.


The bridge is a small room dominated by a large viewing window. Stations for 9 of the crewmen are in here, including two gunners, all pilots, captain, engineer, and first mate.

Captain's Suite

The captain gets a room to himself, no larger than any of the communal bedrooms. Not very lavish.

Cargo Storage Areas

There is a cargo room filled with supplies, enough to last about twice as long as any scouting mission takes.

Crew Quarters

Two pairs of bunks are in each of three rooms next to the captain's. Limited living space inside. One bathroom in each room.

Crew Recreation

The auxiliary cargo hold can double as a small game room… if the crew can find games to furnish it with.


The lower deck consists of a small room between the power core and the engines, providing direct manual access to both.

Maintenance Conduits

Most are easily accessible from engineering, since the ship is so small.

Medical Center and Laboratory

Closest room behind the bridge, across from the captain's cabin.


One short hallway extending from the bridge to the end of the ship.

Hangar Bays

None. 2 single man escape pods are present at the back of the bridge.

6. Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

Light combat plating present in most fighters - enhanced or double-layered in most spots.

Computers and Electronics

Virtual AI interface, can interlink with ASIAN units from other vessels.

Emergency Systems

2 single man escape pods located at the back of the bridge.

Life Support Systems

There is a life support system throughout the ship that constantly cleans and recycles air. it utilizes a photosynthesis-like process to clean the air and create sugars which may be used on foods.


The warp drive allows the ship to move many times the speed of light. during battle, the warp drive allows the ship to change it's direction of travel almost immediately by use of warp conduit output ports on every side of the ship.

Secondary conventional engines are present on the wings next to the shield arrays. These are used for boosted speed in combat.

Shield Systems

The Glaive uses a high-efficiency Plutanovicz Shielding system, placed out on the wings for maximum efficacy.

Weapons Systems

Wave Dispersal Cannon Array(1): Mounted beneath the bridge of the ship, the dispersal array is linked directly to the power core. The concept behind this weapon is not dissimilar to the Solaron Cannon: it uses the ship primary power core's auxiliary power to charge a highly focused beam weapon. However, the wave dispersal array is much different in practice: it is essentially an EMP device. It can use a charged blast to completely disrupt a fair-sized segment of shielding on a vessel. The cannon essentially uses a multi-spectrum blast to effectively knock out almost any shielding frequency. In some cases, if the shielding is weak or deactivated, excess energy from the beam is capable of knocking out secondary ship systems at the site of impact. Primary Purpose: Anti-shielding, warship support Range: 3000 meters Damage: Extremely heavy to shields. Useless against armor. Rate of Fire: Must charge a blast for approximately 45 seconds, cool down time is app. 3 minutes. Payload: Unlimited as long as the ship provides power. Notes: The area of shielding affected is generally large enough for several destroyers to get clear shots through. Accuracy at hitting this spot is harder from farther away.

Pulse laser arrays(2): these weapons are the best defense against fighters, projectile weapons, boarding pods and shuttles available. They are placed on the tail and bottom of the hull, to fire at incoming fighter ships. Primary Purpose: Anti-fighter range: 50 miles Damage: medium. can hurt both shields and armor, the pulse type shot can be calibrated to specific wavelengths to allow instant deactivation of fighter shields, like an EMP pulse. Rate of fire: between 10 and 35 pulses per second Payload: unlimited as long as the ship provides power

Main Weapons

MAC Gun (Magnetic Acceleration Cannon) (2): Top-mounted, uses high powered magnets to launch super-heated projectiles. Used in broadside battles with full-sized enemy ships. The cruiser moves within their shields and fires off a volley of MAC fire, delivering heavy damage to armor. Primary Purpose: Anti-warship Range: 20 miles Damage: Extremely heavy damage to armor. Poor at penetrating shields. Rate of Fire: 4 rounds / 2 seconds ( the turrets have 4 cannons each ) Payload: Massive 4,000 round clips mechanically loaded. A light cruiser can easily hold 20 of these clips on top of their other cargo. Notes: MAC guns effectively punch holes through almost any armor.

7. Vehicle Complement


bhotr/starship/glaive_class_corvette.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/07 11:24 by