The ship has railguns. It has turrets. It has point defense weapons. It can basically do almost anything, except for launching missiles or chasing after fighters due to it's less than desirable speed. It is tough, easy to maintain, and surprisingly effective for it's low technological level.
The Drathonians needed a ship that could shoot at almost anything with reasonable effectiveness while remaining cheap. This was the winner after several duels and prototype trials consisting of more duels against fighters, against a destroyer's shields to see who could wear them down faster, and finally each other. It is a recently written design undergoing mass production.
There are three decks in total, cramped even by Terran Standards. Prone to throwing sparks and small, pointless explosions when under attack. Spaces in the sides of the walkways allow individuals to step out of the path of those who have right of way.
The primary ammunition hold is located near the center of the ship, below the bridge. Smaller ammunition holds are located throughout the ship for each of it's weapons. Sleeping quarters are located between the primary ammunition hold and engineering.
The ship's numerous 'ready ammunition' holds for the guns also double as small armories.
The bridge is small and cramped by Drathonian standards. Prone to producing pointless sparks and minor concussive blasts when the ship is under attack.
Nice and spacious, often filled with basic amenities and exercise equipment
Food and misc items are kept inside the primary hold of the ship along with the ammunition.
Crew quarters are simple, and double as the mess hall and recreation areas. If or when the main hold is empty or partially empty, the Captain may allow some recreation to be done. A reasonable captain will either cover up the ammunition to protect it from premature detonation, or simply disallow recreation altogether.
All primary systems centralized and made easier to reach for the engineers. A jungle of metallic air and wires.
Numerous, and running throughout the ship for the smallest variety of Drathonians to go through.
The medical centers only exist aboard the ship out of sheer necessity; they are equipped with rudimentary medical supplies designed to merely keep a person alive until something more useful or effective comes along. There is one to each side of the engines, and if engineering is the target, one is often shot off or destroyed in a battle, assuming that the ship survives.
Rudimentary armor plating and basic sensors to detect damage. Cheap and easy to repair and replace
Primarily, analog computers are used in the ship, further cutting costs. However, some more advanced systems are present. All are prone to sparking and blowing up pointlessly. Surprisingly easy to repair, explosion or not.
Halon Gas fire suppression systems and compartmentalized design. Sections of the ship will close off and evacuate atmosphere if the extinguishers do not work.
Catalytic air filters break carbon dioxide down and back into oxygen for the crew to breathe. Oxygen masks of slightly less than reliable design are present throughout the ship which is kept warm by the engine.
Underpowered by Terran standards, as the propulsion systems have a low top speed, though the acceleration is appreciable.
Basic Plutanovicz Shield System
83mm Railguns (2): The primary guns fire Armor Piercing Depleted Uranium rounds at one round every two seconds or alternate and fire a shot every one second.
59 mm Multipurpose Turrets (3): Solid Depleted Uranium shell firing cannons. 4 rounds a second with four cannons per turret.
38.2 mm Point Defense Turrets (15): Hard hitting and capable of spitting out 23 rounds per second, they are effective in shooting down most threatening fighter craft and bombers. Solid depleted uranium slugs.