The Drake was designed to give the Drathonians the capability of carrying a large amount of fighters and Anti-ship weapons onto a bttlefield, as well as to create an inexpensive command cruiser with commendable electronics capabilities.
The Drake is fairly old, from just after the Rimworld Rebellions. It was built using many OUTO technologies, and considered one of the better ships of the fleet. It's performance was high enough that it has continued to serve with the Drathonian Navy, simply with refits and newer versions. the current version is 22C, it is the third refit of the 22nd variant.
There are two armories on each level, one fore and one aft
The bridge is a large room full of computers and crairs, all made for drathonians, but capable of being utilized by humans.
The captain's suite is a large circular room, just aft of the bridge. Often full of excercise gear.
The middle ten levels are dedicated to cargo storage, and store all the supplies neccesary to run the ship for as long as fuel holds out, but no longer.
Large rooms lined with shallow pits in which the Drathonians can curl up and sleep.
the upper two levels contain recreation areas, mainly shooting ranges and open spaces for sperring.
Several levels contain engineering rooms, which can also control many functions of the ship. they have access to vital ship systems, as well as storage for neccesary tools.
Fairly large, as neccessitated by the Drathonian Physiology, the Maintainence conduits snake their way through and between every level of the ship, providing access to many parts of the ship.
Some newer model Drake cruisers have a rudimentary medical bay, that is little more than a storage closet for surgical tools.
The passageways are 10x 20 foot square tunnels placed through each floor in a gridwork that accesses all the rooms in the ship.
Very large, these hangar bays are 6 levels tall and run to the center of the ship, there is one on each side, and they are seperated by a large wall that has several walkways above it, as well as numerous ladders and stairs, to be used to access fighters and shuttles stored on Hangers without needing to get them down. The fighter hangers fold into the ceiling for storage.
The hull is generally made up of thick layers of Depleted uranium, mixed with alternating layers of steel, lead, and titanium.
The Drake has a large solid state computer system, made up of a network of CPU's placed throughout the ship, one in each engineering section, each armory, and the main core in the bridge. these cores are networked and provide relatively good processing.
Rudimentary sprinkler systems are on every deck to suppress fires. Each deck can be isolated from one another in the case of a hull breach.
There are air scrubbers in all the vents which purify the air for six months then must be replaced.
The Drake is propelled by a mix of Ion engines and 'Fusion Drive' engines, giving it a decent top speed for it's size class.
It also has a Warp drive, though this is somewhat small for such a large ship, and therefore isn't very fast.
The Drake carries a shield system similar to a Plutanovicz system, but differs in that it puts more stake into stopping Projectiles than energy weapons. the Shield generator is buried within the center of the ship, and produces shields via an array of projectors on the hull.
The main weapons on a Drake are three pairs of 10' bore cannon, one on each side and one on the dorsal surface. these cannons fire several types of shells including Armor piercing, High explosive, and Nuclear rounds.
Generally a Drake carries around 50 shuttles.
A Drake can carry around 400 fighters, depending on type.