The Avernatum is the standard line warship for the Altresians It is moderately armed and defended, but is by no means a slouch and can hold its own when needed.
The Avernatum-class is the AEN's standard warship of choice. It was designed with the needs of space combat in mind, and was one of the first vessel types commisioned by the AEN for space use. The class has seen thousands upon thousands of battles, and has been kept up to date throughout the years, with the current version a culmination of joint Terran and Altresian technology.
The bridge, atop its high tower, is an enormous, cavernous space filled with open spaces dotted with stations and consoles. it has two very large viewports which gives the commander a good view of the battle. The ship's captain sits in a special seat in the center of the room which allows him to command efficiently.
The Hangar bays are two large chambers, taking up 6 decks worth each. They are a polished, vibrant white with delicate silver and gold inlays along the walls. There hangar bays can accomodate a ship up to 50 meters long, 35 meters wide, and 30 meters tall.
The Hull is made from Titanium, with a composite tiled armor over it.
The Avernatum-class uses a Terran Warp drive, which allows it to travel at speeds faster than the speed of light, as well as to travel by folding space to shorten distances between two points.
Its main STL propulsion is a set of four very large Heavy fusion thrusters, capable of thrusting the ship up to .20c before they simply cannot provide any more momentum.
The Avernatum is powered by four enormous fusion reactors, each of which is directly linked to an engine, but supplies some of its power to the rest of the ship.
Aromayeth-type shielding is utilized by the Avernatum. These shields are capable of being endlessly modulated nearly instantaneously, and the Generator is constructed in such a way that feedback rarely damages it, meaning that a brute force attack that knocks down shields only does so for a matter of seconds before the shields restore themselves. These shields can be made to encompass only certain portions of the ship, while leaving others purposefully exposed.
Multi-purpose Guass cannons ( 8 ): Heavy Guass cannons which lob projectiles at extremely high fractions of c, allowing them to be explosive out of sheer kinetic energy. These cannons have so much force that they are useful against just about anything. Range: Theoretically unlimited, usefully 150,000 miles Damage: High. The Kinetic force of the projectile releases immense amounts of energy upon impact with shields and armor. Rate of fire: 8 shots per ten seconds Payload: 10,000 rounds per cannon
Pulse laser arrays(35): these weapons are the best defense against fighters, projectile weapons, boarding pods and shuttles available. they are placed all over the hull under panels, and come out when needed. range: 50 miles Damage: medium. can hurt both shields and armor, the pulse type shot can be calibrated to specific wavelengths to allow instant deactivation of fighter shields, like an EMP pulse. Rate of fire: between 10 and 35 pulses per second Payload: unlimited as long as the ship provides power Notes: only used on things inside the ships shields unless in an emergency.
Turbolaser Array: This weapon is a dual-barreled anti-starship shield penetrating weapon. It can also be anti-shuttle or used as an active countermeasure against solid projectile ammunitions. This cannon is a vast improvement over the old versions, with increased range and fire output than older versions. Range: 20,000 miles Damage: Heavy. Does heavy damage to anything touched by the beam. Damages both shields and armor Rate of fire: 2 shots every 5 seconds Payload: Unlimited, as long as the ship provides power
The Accusor-class can handle about 100 shuttles
The Accusor-class has 12 squadrons of fighters, meaning 144 fighters total.