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History and Timeline


1969 Man walks on the moon

2768 Man creates the first 'warp drive', allowing ships to travel faster than light. First contact with a second “human' planet

2943 Earth becomes overpopulated, poor begin to flee to space colonies and other civilised planets, increasing human presence throughout the galaxy

3012 Earth finally cleaned up, becomes the 'Gem of the universe.'

3225 First contact with Drathonians, causes distress among the people of the HSI (Human space initiative), the precursor to the Terran Republic.

3253 'Friendship' struck with drathonians

3896 OUTO(omni-universal treaty organisation) created, based on the ancient NATO

3911-3919 Political unrest forms in the domain of the HSI. Accusations of Drathonian raids on rimworld colonies are made. Rebel groups reject the doctrine of the OUTO. A nine year war, known as the Rimworld Rebellions, begins. Enormous support grows within the military, and a large segment of the Terran Navy joins the rebellion. The Human Protection Alliance becomes the banner under which many of them fight. The war only fuels obligatory trust of the Drathonian Empire.

3919 The Battle of Minerva III. In perhaps the grandest display of valor, a lone Jupiter-class, Valhalla's Prow, successfully defeats 18 opposing crafts before sacrificing itself with all crew on board- eliminating another 20 ships in the explosion.

3921-3980 The Drathonians frame a series of pro-HSA terrorist attacks on neighboring alien races. Blind to the truth, the OUTO effectively orders the unconditional disarmament of several of the strongest alien powers. Threatened with war, many agree. Others refuse, trying to forcefully resist the great deception of the Drathonian Empire. The series of armed conflicts in which many of the alien planets were completely disarmed and occupied by 'policing' occupying forces is known as the Great Purges. Modern knowledge reveals to us that it was an elaborate ploy for the Drathonian Empire to eliminate all threats to their military without open war.

4000 Altres discovered in the nearest galaxy to the milky way, said galaxy is renamed Altresian empire.

4023 Terran Republic formed, earth becomes its capitol.

4033/00 PT Drathonian betray the Terrans in an enormous genocide. 90% of humans obliterated, OUTO destroyed, Earth destroyed. Hundreds of worlds are either plunged into the dark ages or erased outright. Humanity clings to life.

4034/01 PT The United Terran Republic begins the greatest rescue mission in human history: saving all the survivors of the Drathonian assault.

4037/04 PT Great Drathonian War begins

4045/12 PT Surandan is contacted for the first time since 4033. The Iroquois-class Kurogane discovered it was victim to a unique biological agent that reacts to dead human tissue. Kurogane mounts a rescue operation that recovers a portion of the tribal remnants of humanity that remain on the planet.

4047 / 14 PT Battle Hymn launched; Battle of Terra IV.

4047 / 14 PT Stardate 4047.07.09.0800 []
AKA July 9th, 4047. [24th anniversary of formation of the UTR]
–Battle Hymn of the Republic launched. Battle of Terra IV.

4050 / 17 PT Drathonian war ends. United Terran Republic victorious. UTR begins a policy of redemption and redevelopment, freeing and supporting races previously subjugated by the Drathonians. Remaining Drathonians are sequestered to a single system; freed of belligerent leadership, the Remnants start a new lifestyle, begin to scatter across the cosmos as wandering clans.

4051 / 1 GSC The Galactic Concordance formed. New Galacitic Standard Calendar established. UTR becomes first member of the Galactic Concordance. Galactic Concordance begins a drive to have all races within the Milky Way Galaxy become members.

4052/ 2 GSC Aelf Uprising begins, offloaded Avatar AI causes factions of synthetics to form along pro and anti-organic line and a war begins. CANs and even LINCs are affected, causing conflicts across the galaxy.

4057/ 7 GSC Aelf Uprsing ends, factions break off into two groups, the Coexistance and Segregation.

4060/ 10 GSC “Shaver”, a Coexistance Aelf created by Dr. Istvan Plutanovicz just before the uprising discovers a previously unknown energy source, now known as 'shaver fields' which was capable of advanced manipulation and transmission far beyond traditional power sources.

4083/ 33 GSC Both Dr. Plutanovicz, and “Shaver” perish preventing a black hole from going critical and destroying the entire sector of the Milky Way galaxy that had been named the 'Coginitus sector', saving hundreds of worlds and billions of lives.

4090/ 40 GSC On planet Saratar, Dr. Plutanovicz' Protege, the brilliant Dr Briggs, establishes the largest multi-species center of knowledge and science in the known universe, the Briggs laboratory, to improve technology, as well as delve into the mysteries of the universe opened up by “Shaver”s discoveries and hypotheses.

4120/ 70 GSC Terran Schism begins.

bhotr/history_timeline.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/07 11:24 by